Parking, Police & Fire

Safety First Sign

We have extremely narrow streets - most are only 16' wide. If you can park in your driveway, that is preferred. We have one side of the street parking on most of our streets and it's well marked. There is no parking in front of yellow curbs. We paint curbs yellow opposite driveways throughout the Village so that our residents can pull out of their driveways. There is also yellow curb in front of stop signs as there is no parking within 30' of a stop sign. If you, your guests, or your contractors park on the wrong side of the street, they can make it impossible for a fire truck, ambulance, or school bus to navigate our streets. On days when we expect a heavy snowfall, we ask everyone to park off the street, even if it means sharing a driveway as many do.

We have lots of children in our community, so we ask that you drive slowly and carefully on our streets. In addition to Montgomery County Police who are responsible for our area, we hire off duty police for a limited number of hours a month to patrol our streets.

The Fire Department serving our community is on Connecticut Avenue just north of East-West Highway.  Members of our community serve on the Fire Board to help maintain our links to the Fire Department and keep abreast of their activities.