Storm Water Management

Storm water run-off presents endless challenges to neighborly relations so storm water management is an important concern here in Section 3. There are numerous factors that affect our ability to control run-off: our many narrow lots, the presence of underground streams, run-off from sump pumps and downspouts, and our neighborhood's general easterly slope. Put those factors together with our desire to preserve open space and minimize impervious surfaces, and the need emerges to look at how residents handle water from their houses' rooflines, driveways, and other impervious surfaces such as patios. As a result, building permits will not be granted for any building addition or renovation, accessory structure, new or renovated (but not simply resurfaced) driveway, or sump pump unless the owner can show that the resulting run-off will not adversely affect one's neighbors. A drainage plan must be submitted as part of the building permit application for any structure over 144sf in size. If it is determined that neighbors are adversely affected, Section 3 may require that the owner take special measures to contain and/or control that run-off. Rules can be found in Chapter 6-302 (e), (f), and (g). Please note that Montgomery County also has storm water regulations that must be addressed.

Stormwater Management Design Guidelines

These Guidelines will address the requirement for safely controlling stormwater runoff from new impervious surfaces and will assist residents and home improvement contractors during the design and construction process. The goal of Section 3's stormwater runoff ordinance is to make sure improvements on one lot do not have an adverse effect on any neighbors or the public right of way.

Stormwater runoff in suburban areas is the primary contributor to soil erosion, flooding and property destruction. As suburban areas become developed with impervious surfaces, the volume of runoff is greatly increased and must be managed and controlled to limit erosion and flooding. Residential areas with medium density housing are particularly vulnerable to flooding due to the close proximity that detached homes have to one another and the limited open space that serves to allow stormwater to infiltrate into the soil. The goal of these Guidelines is to provide options by which a homeowner can manage and control stormwater runoff generated from new impervious surfaces. When we speak about impervious surfaces, they include but are not limited to roof lines, driveways, patios, tennis courts, basketball courts, pools.

Please reference the following pdf for further details: